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Seasonal Vegetables & Fruit in December

It’s a really good idea to buy food that’s in season whenever you can. It tastes better and tends to be cheaper than food that has travelled thousands of miles to get to you. Imported or farmed produce such as bananas, citrus fruit, salad leaves, onions, cauliflower, cabbages,  supermarket carrots and potatoes are available year round….

Table of vegetables

Each month we will be posting a list of  British Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables: Vegetables: Beetroot, Borlotti Beans, Brocoli, Brussel Sprouts Cabbages (red, white & green), Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Chillies Lettuce Onions Parsnips, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins Radish, Rocket Spinach, Swedes, Squashes Turnips, Watercress.   Fruit: Apples, Pears and Quince.

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