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Time to Detox

Listen. Connect. Transform.

An innovative holistic approach to understanding your body. Embark on a tailored cleanse assisting you physically, mentally and emotionally through a combination of:

● Colonic hydrotherapy
● Energetic balance
● Nutritional advice
● Cleanse coaching

The Glow Within journey revolutionises how you feel about yourself and your body.

Two programmes are available, 14 days and 21 days, which each consists of two levels depending on your previous cleanse experience.

● Mint (14 days)
● Coral (14 or 21 days)
● Violet (21 days)

We will guide you in gaining the insight and confidence to challenge your perceptions of yourself and dissolving any misconceptions you may have about beauty, health, spiritualism and “perfection”.

Glow Within is a labour of love. Developed by an experienced hypnotherapist and colonic hydro therapist (drawing on both professional and personal experience) who are passionate about well being. The programmes are designed to help you learn how to listen and communicate with your own body.

A Holistic Approach

Our bodies react to emotion and thought, and this often results in stress and anxiety. Only a holistic approach enables us to challenge unhealthy (not to mention unrealistic) stereotypes, unhelpful belief systems and negative thoughts. Have you ever been concerned about what others think of you? We are here to help you release any distracting negative patterns through a profound healing process. We aim to unite the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental aspects of our life – both conscious and unconscious – and help you to connect with a healthy, happy, whole existence.

Who will benefit?

Men and women of all ages who are ready to take responsibility of their health, to raise their vibration and connect with themselves.

These programmes help with the following symptoms:


● Low energy
● Fatigue
● Headaches
● Muscular pain
● Digestive disorders
● Bloating, constipation
● Difficulty in managing weight
● Low libido
● Candida
● Food intolerances

Mentally – emotionally:

● Sadness
● Anger
● Low self esteem
● Lack of confidence
● Lack of clarity and direction
● Feeling unproductive
● Anxiety

Through this educational and nourishing journey, we will guide you to connect with the aspects of yourself in order for you to live a more active, productive and joyful life. Each path is tailored to your needs, established in the initial one-to-one consultation with us.

Glow Within Mentors:

Maria Maraveli

Maria is an experienced hypnotherapist and Reiki Master & Teacher who has practiced internationally for a number of years. She brings her uniquely successful approach using hypnotherapy and energy healing to The Hale.

Maria has had her own personal experience of handling severe pain and maintaining body equilibrium when overcoming both brain surgery at a young age and subsequent diabetic coma. This has allowed her to develop and harness the power of these techniques for herself and to more intimately understand patients’ issues and needs.

 Ruth Freeman

Dublin born Ruth is a Holistic therapist, qualified in massage and reflexology since 2004. In 2010, having personally experienced incredible health benefits from Colonics, Ruth decided to train as a Colonic Hydro therapist to help others to enjoy a happier, healthier life too.

Ruth’s passion and in-depth knowledge of Cleansing has been described as an ‘inspiration’ by many of her clients. She consistently shows how surprisingly small changes in eating habits and lifestyle can improve energy levels, rejuvenate and promote wellbeing inside and out.

Glow Within Event/ Presentation:

A presentation evening will be held on Thursday the 29th of January at the Hale Clinic from 7pm to 8pm hosted by both mentors, we will be sharing more information about the programmes, followed by a Q&A session.

This event will be Free of Charge. RSVP below to attend.

Glow Within Programmes will be available to book from February 2015.

Prices start from £370 for the 14 day Mint – Glow Within.

We look forward to meeting you and assisting you on your ‘Glow Within Journey’

Ruth & Maria

Limited Spaces are available.
Any Programme purchased at the presentation evening will include a 30% discount as an introductory launch offer.

To register to attend the ‘Glow Within Event’ please click to leave your details.

CategoryCleansing, News

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