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Probiotics are a diverse group of live microbes defined by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and World Health Organisation as: “Live Microorganisms which when administered in sufficient quantities can confer a health benefit”.

What is a colonic probiotic implant?

Probiotics are bacteria of the type that normally reside in the gut, which forms the ‘gut flora’. The gut flora is vital for normal healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients, neutralization of toxins and pathogens, and plays part in our immune system.

There are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ types of gut bacteria. Eating the wrong types of food, and bad lifestyle choices can lead to a dominance of the ‘bad’ types of gut bacteria. There are estimated to be around 100 trillion microorganisms in over 500 different species in a normal, healthy colon. Most of these are the beneficial type. The different types and species constantly interact with each other, over a short space of time, as bacteria multiply rapidly. Imbalance of population in favour of the undesirable type leads to a condition known as dysbiosis.

Colonic implants differ from normal probiotics, in that instead of being taken by mouth and having to survive stomach acid, the implanted probiotic is delivered directly into the colon, which is the final destination. The probiotic implant is a specially designed combination of healthy and beneficial intestinal bacteria.

The high concentration of probiotics introduced will strengthen and reinforce the gut flora population and restore balance of beneficial bacteria of the gut flora, bringing it to a normal and healthy state.

About the treatment:

An exact dose of high strength probiotics are mixed with a little tepid water and inserted directly to about 6 inches into the colon via the rectum through a very fine, flexible tube. The procedure will not be at all uncomfortable. When the probiotics are in place, the tube is immediately withdrawn and the client reclines to a comfortable position on the couch and stays still, allowing maximum absorption. The probiotics are allowed direct access to the mucus membranes of the colon, and absorption is immediate. Because probiotics have been introduced directly to the colon, the results are far more potent than taking them orally. This leads to a greater population and retention of bacteria for optimum colonic health.

The treatment is best undertaken immediately after a colonic hydrotherapy treatment.

When and how often can I have one?

Colonic implants can be safely used after every colonic

Who would benefit?

From imbalance in the body’s pH and disruptions in normal intestinal flora due to:

  • people subject to high stress levels
  • food allergies and sensitivities
  • external toxins and pollution
  • foreign travel
  • antibiotics
  • the contraceptive pill

Correcting gut flora imbalance can relieve:

  • vaginal and urinary infections
  • bloating and flatulence
  • gastrointestinal disturbances
  • allergies and skin disorders
  • chronic constipation
  • diarrohea
  • yeast infections

Beneficial for:

  • People who do not absorb food and nutrients well
  • Those in need of detoxification.
  • Absorption of vitamin B12, thiamine and riboflavin.
  • Production and absorption of vitamin K
  • Relieving bowel function problems
  • People with IBS

Probiotic Implants are available at an additional charge of £10

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