Open/Close Menu Colonic Hydrotherapy and Detox Cleansing at The Light Centre Belgravia

Colon Health:


  • Always Look after number two
  • Dr Jensens guide to better bowel health
  • Gut instinct by Pierre Pallady




    • Your bodies many cries for Water, a revolutionary natural way to prevent illness and restore good health by F. Batmanghelidj
    • Water & Salt: The Healers from within by F. Batmangheligj
    • The hidden messages in water by Masaru Emoto
    • The true power of water: Healing & discovering ourselves by Masaru Emoto




  • The Amazing Liver & Gall Bladder Flush by Andreas Moritz
  • Complete Colon Cleanse by Edward Group




  • The Miracle of Magnesium
  • Cellular Awakening by Barbara Wren
  • Optimum Nutrition for the mind by Patrick Holford
  • The Low Gi Diet Bible by Patrick Holford
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Yeast Connection by William G. Crook
  • Traditional Accupuncture: The Law of the Five elements by Dianne M. Connelly
  • Heal your body by Louise L Hay
  • Fats that heal, fats that kill by Udo Erasmus
  • The Oil & Protein Diet b y Johanna Budwig




  • The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
  • Creative Visualisation by Shakti Gawain
  • Emotional Intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman



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