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heart shape by various vegetables and fruits

Over the next four weeks throughout December I will be posting daily tips on various techniques, dietary adjustments and cleanse information for you to enjoy and help you in the run up to Christmas. The posts will enable you to have an understanding of the various steps/ pillars of health,  which when combined in January can enhance your well being, health and energy after the festive celebrations have come to an end and new years resolutions are top of the list. I will also be offering a free 24 hour home juice cleanse plan to all my clients for there own personal use.

The Tips will include:

  • The importance of drinking water
  • Why reducing Dairy is so important and what to replace it with
  • Alternatives to Wheat and Gluten
  • Sugar and its effects on your body
  • are Quorn products good for us?
  • is Soya milk better than dairy?
  • Juicing v’s Blending
  • Additional fiber supplements when juicing
  • Juice recipes to experiment with at home yourself
  • Why take probiotics and what are the benefits?
  • Why take digestive enzymes?
  • Dry Body Brushing and its benefits
  • Epsom Salt Baths
  • Importance of Colonic Irrigation during any cleanse
  • Home Enemas
  • Why and how to make coffee enemas
  • Castor Oil packing
  • Plus a whole lot more………………………..

I look forward to your comments and shares on my blog.

Ruth@ The Cleansing Space

CategoryCleansing, Learning

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